
Innovation & talented TEAM.

For your toughest challenges.
FEM & CFD Analyses
Complex computing services have been one of the main areas of our daily business for over 15 years. We are open to various types of challenges and it can be said that we compute everything: stress, life, CFD, thermal conditions, acoustics, vibrations and combustion. We offer our clients not only broad and constantly updated knowledge, (comma) and long-term experience of our staff, but also our own original tools. Therefore, clients who decide to co-operate with GES receive not only computation results, but also well selected recommendations or ready solutions regarding changes of analysed parts or products. Needles to say, it is an esteemed added value. What should also encourage you to co-operate with us is the fact that due to the use of our own tools, we are able to offer attractive rates and short deadlines.
Design & Optimization
The scope of services provided by General Engineering Solutions includes design of parts, whole equipment and machine systems. We are involved in their optimisation according to parameters chosen by the client, which can regard for instance mass, cost, lifespan, etc. Capabilities of solutions employed by us allow for their use in a broad spectrum of issues. Our offer is therefore aimed at various industries that operate within the confines of modern economy. We have experience in energy, rail, and aviation industries. We have co-operated with sewage treatment plants for design and optimisation of containers used in this kind of operation. We have also collaborated with start-ups operating in the high-tech industry. Still, it is only a fraction of our capabilities.
Ansys Workbench Customizations
We are aware that the use of versatile ANSYS software allows broad product development abilities in a company. Unfortunately, such a solution also has certain limitations, for instance lack of repeatability of process or long training period for a new employee. Adding high staff turnover, we have to face the loss of computation capacity. Paradoxically, even versatility might prove to be a sort of limitation, as a popular and remarkably true proverb states: jack-of-all-trades, master of none. However, the possibilities of customisation and tailoring it to client’s individual requirements constitute an indisputable advantage of ANSYS software. That is the feature we have decided to make use of and which we take pride in. It will not be an overstatement if we claim to be better in this aspect than ANSYS itself, as we have corrected, on several occasions, both their and their co-operators’ customisations. ANSYS customisation offered by GES can have various aspects. One of the basic ones is fitting a design and computing process with a parametrized application. In such a case, ANSYS components are active in the background, and the user has access only to the functions necessary for their professional activities. Interaction is therefore limited to an absolute minimum and all stages (including processing and data presentation) are automated to a maximum. Another type of ANSYS customisation done for our contractors is an addition of physics that the software lacks, which is necessary to achieve client’s aims. In this case, contractor’s imagination is the only limitation; of course as long as the idea can be described with the use of proper equations.
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Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing is our newest service that can be also described as Virtual Contractor as a Service (VCaaS). It contains a complex solution for automated and individually parametrized computation process, which is managed by the client through an internet browser. We are responsible for computation, software licence cost, computing equipment cost, data storage, and result reports. To put it simple: you use it and do not worry about anything else! Full convenience! This service is aimed at two groups of clients. The first one being big companies with expanded engineering teams that have a lot of interesting work, but for whom repetitive processes prove to be troublesome. They are also often the reason for turnover of qualified experts, who – as a result – resign from work. Cloud Computing service allows automation of repetitive analyses. Consequently, there is no necessity for hiring contractors, explaining entrusted tasks each time and making sure that results will be received on time. Automation allows to achieve a credible result each time, without the risk of human error. The second group of clients who can definitely benefit from the aforementioned services are small and very small companies. Including the ones for whom it is not economically cost-effective to employ a full-time engineer. Computations do not have to be expensive! We can prove it! Contact us and find out what we can do for you.
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Digital Twins
We live in truly dynamic times and we want to predict almost everything. Weather forecasts which serve as morning small talk subject in the lift or stock exchange quotations which should make us millionaires one day are not enough anymore. Nowadays we also want to predict how certain tools or multi-machine systems will work. We are also interested which components will fail and when. Statistical data is definitely not enough in this case. The knowledge of how given equipment used by the client will behave depending on the type of daily exploitation is far more valuable. Owing to this kind of information, we can precisely predict what and when we should service to allow continuity of work. There are two main benefits. Clients avoid surprising breakdowns and therefore expensive repairs, costly compensations and reputational damage, as well as unnecessary servicing. GES owns two components necessary to provide Digital Twins services on a truly world class level, namely, many years of engineering experience and a talented team of programmers. We can state, without a doubt, that there is no ‘Dolly sheep’ among equipment that we would not be able to clone to a digital reality. Our solutions are based solely on well-known platforms of giants such as Ansys, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, with an addition of our unique 'secret sauce' – the state-of-the-art knowledge (20% of our staff have PhD).
24h Trouble Shooting
Do you have a problem? Call us! Our experienced, creative and talented team is able to take up every task within the confines of activities run by General Engineering Solutions. We are able to fix every technical issue and, most importantly, we are not afraid of challenges! It does not matter if you struggle with a leaking container in a sewage treatment plant or a chassis in a Mars rover that will not open, we are able to find an effective solution.